Click a Martial Arts Program Below for more details.

Training MMA Classes is Exciting. You learn all aspects the Sport and the workout is Fast Paced.

mixed martial arts

When you take a Kickboxing Class from one of our Instructors you will be hooked

muay thai kickboxing

In Sport or Self Defense, Jiu Jitsu Classes will give you great confidence and physical stamina.


Kids love Martial Arts Classes! when taught right they learn important life skills that will give them an edge.

kids martial arts classes

The perfect balance for those who want to learn some practical Defense skills while focusing on Getting LEAN.

Self Defense Classes

Kids Karate Class Instructor Uncovers 3 Pillars for Back to School Success.

Imagine a formula that guarantees your child’s Back to School Success.

Would you make sure that your child would get it?

Success in school and in life requires many things but 3 PILLARS that I will share with you are the MOST IMPORTANT.

 Karate  Instructor  uncovers The 3 Pillars that all Parents need to help their Children develop to have a EDGE going into this School Year!

Here’s the thing, no child really knows how to cultivate these 3 PILLARS on their own. Moms and dads certainly play a huge role in helping their children grow in all of these MAKE or BRAKE life skills.

Set achievable goals for your child. Completion brings confidence.

Set achievable goals for your child. Completion brings confidence.

Even though parents are those mainly responsible for helping their kids on the path to achievement in life, they also play an critical role in connecting their children with other people who can help them with these skills for achieving.

You may ask, Why is this so important? Quite simply, it’s because parents can’t know or do everything.

Have you been trying to do it on your own?

As a kids karate instructor for 25 years I’ve had the privilege to work with children and help them discover some proven truths and strategies that help them to do their best for the rest of their life.

Kids need their parents and other MENTORS to help them become the best that they can be.

Let’s cover the first PILLAR to back to school success. FOCUS

Naperville Karate class

Focus is the ability to ignore distractions!

Focus is ability to center one’s attention on a single task at hand without being distracted by outside people, places, and things.

Focus helps youngsters learn and study more effectively and faster. Focused practice of any skill teaches children with small successes that eventually lead to bigger successes based on their level of FOCUS. The practice of focus helps children train their minds to think of only one thing at a time which allows them to lock in to the task that they are presently working on.

Learning the skill of focus takes time and practice and is does not come naturally as a child ages and matures.It has to be practiced over years.

Like most things of value effective practice is important. Regular, focused practice of any skill develops discipline along with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

As kids develop focus they also start to notice that they are getting things done more quickly and not have to be told 10 times to do something. As parents and mentors come together to praise their children for their more effective efforts in school and other areas of their lives, children start to believe in their ability to do well.

TIP for Parents: Ask your child to do a focused activity. Something they need to fully concentrate on for 20 minutes (reading or any other detailed task that requires focus). When they are done, affirm the Focused work and reward them with “I am proud of your focused work”. In addition,  It does not hurt to give them a surprise reward they may like also.

 Martial Arts  Teacher shares PILLAR #2 Positive Self Confidence

Self-confidence grows when children trying something until they get it. Self-confidence grows in leaps and bounds when children learn to accept challenge as well as learn how to deal with struggle and failure.

Top Martial Arts Instructors-Adam Grisko

Completion breeds confidence!

In life, Nothing comes easy. Learning how to be COMMITTED and DILIGENT when it comes to achieving goals helps kids keep on even when things become difficult.

A child who has an “I Can” attitude is willing and able to work hard for what he/she wants as a goal.

Burning desire is a trait that many winners have.

So what’s the end result of a child who has learned to develop Focus and Self-Confidence?

TIP for Parents: Confidence comes from completing something! Make a promise to your self right now to follow this rule…”What ever we start we complete”

Simply, let your child try new things after discussing the commitment BUT make sure that you agree to Complete the pre determined Completion goal. For example, if your child wanted to do karate we would want them to stay committed  at least until their first belt. After the white belt you can discuss if Karate is still something your child wants to and should pursue.  This way they never have to say they QUIT (negative) they get to say that they COMPLETED the first stage of their goal and decided it was not for them (POSITIVE).

This teaches kids, that FINISHING what they start is something to be valued. When we set realistic goals of completion your child  and you support them in hitting their targets  and celebrating their completion achievement no matter how big or small, your Child’s Self Confidence will be long lasting and help them 100 times over as an adult, right?

PILLAR # 3 Kids need a POSITIVE SELF IMAGE…Here’s Why

Kids Karate Classes near Naperville

Words affect what we believe!

Kids who have taken the time to practice the previous s 2 pillars, in time will also develop an unshakeable Self-Image.

Self-Image is a picture of how your child sees him/herself. It is this picture of oneself that governs how and why people behave in certain ways. A child who has experienced success because of focused consistency and discipline believes in his/her ability to have successful achievement.

The child believes they can HAVE success, it’s “how they roll.” This person sees him/herself as competent and capable. These are the things all children should believe about themselves.

TIP for Parents: Our self image is our picture we have of ourselves however, our self image is rooted in the thoughts we have going on in our minds. Imagine a kid at your child school calling your child a name… that name will be rolling around in your child mine. The mantra is sinister and spoken gently from time to time ” Is that true?”. The question in your child mind causes them to have a distorted and unclear view of who they are.

Here’s the fix! Pick 12 qualities that your child has in various areas of their life or qualities you may want them to posses.

Create a affirmation for them from this list and say it with them once a day, it gives birth to great discussion at dinner. Over time, your child will really start believing that they poses these 12 qualities. Why did it work? The WORDS took plant like seeds and created an unshakeable MIND PICTURE that your child BELIEVES about themselves.

Here is an example affirmation for kids we use to teach our martial arts students:

1. I can do whatever I focus my mind on.

2. I am awesome.

3. I am very intelligent.

4. I am a fast learner.

5. I am worthy.

6. I deeply love and accept myself.

7. I enjoy learning.

8. Learning is fun and exciting.

9. I understand the lessons taught in school completely and quickly.

10. I believe in myself and my abilities.

11. While I appreciate details, I am able to also see the big picture in things.

12. I have many gifts and talents.

It’s hard to believe but the new school year is fast approaching.

As a parent do you believe that your child is ready for Back to school success?

Are there things that you can do to help your son/daughter improve focus, self-confidence, and self-image?

I would encourage you to give this serious thought as it’s important for parents and mentors to remember that children are much like sponges. They will soak in the things that they see, hear, and experience.

Let’s make it a point to give them a treasure chest of great examples and exciting challenges that they can choose from to help them reach their potential.

Hope this information was valuable to you. . Remember to share this post on Facebook.

Yours For Rock Solid Kids,

Dion Riccardo – Founder Victory Martial Arts Academies

Top Rated Kids Martial Arts Program serving these area codes: 60616-60130-60565-60462-60632

Give your child a head start on success this school year. 14Day FREE Kids Karate classes Trial plus exciting bonuses if you live near Naperville, Orland Park, Forest Park & Chicago

If after reading this post you feel like we can help you cultivate the 3 PILLARS in your kids lives we would like to offer you our Limited Time 14 Day FREE Kids Karate Trial classes.

We would count it an honor and privilege to work side by side with you in building your Rock Solid Kids!

Fill out the form Below to Receive your FREE TRIAL Course

Interesting Image
Yes! I would like my FREE Phone Consultation to discuss my GOALS for my child, and your 14 Day No Risk Beginners Kids Martial Arts Trial program courtesy of Victory MMA.

I understand this will not obligate me in anyway but it may MOTIVATE my CHILD in the areas of Self Discipline, Razor Sharp focus and build Self Confidence to overcome challenges.

After filling out the form below, your request will be processed by our staff and you will be contacted in the next 48 hours. (Call times vary based on interest volume) to set up a time to take a tour, break a sweat with other beginners and talk about your goals more.

Also, you will receive an IMPORTANT email from us with the Subject line: “Victory First Steps”

Please look for that important email and make sure we don’t fall into your spam folder!
Were confident when you visit our Gyms and start classes you will walk away from classes wanting more and feeling INSPIRED!

Read Some our Karate classes for Kids Reviews…

Kids Karate classes Review Naperville

Google + Reviews for Victory Martial Arts Kids karate classes

Kids Martial Arts classes

Kids Martial Arts classes reviewed on Google for Victory Martial Arts

Victory Martial Arts Academy Locations: 60616-60130-60565-60462-60632

Victory Martial Arts Chicago
329 W 18th St
Chicago, IL 60616
(312) 909-7751
Victory Martial Arts Forest Park
1401 Circle Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130
(708) 524-1553
Victory Martial Arts Lafayette
2439 S Earl Ave
Lafayette, IN 47905
(708) 822-9949
Victory Martial Arts Naperville
1003 W Ogden Ave
Naperville, IL 60565
(331) 330-7501
Victory Martial Arts Orland Park
15414 S 70th Ct
Orland Park, IL 60462
(708) 275-4250
Victory MMA Gyms Chicago-Midway
5101 South Keeler
Chicago, IL 60632
(773) 957-8040



Want to find out what are 9 Point Success System we use with our kids classes?

Click this link —-> Kids Martial Arts Classes

Click a Martial Arts Program Below for more details.

Training MMA Classes is Exciting. You learn all aspects the Sport and the workout is Fast Paced.

mixed martial arts

When you take a Kickboxing Class from one of our Instructors you will be hooked

muay thai kickboxing

In Sport or Self Defense, Jiu Jitsu Classes will give you great confidence and physical stamina.


Kids love Martial Arts Classes! when taught right they learn important life skills that will give them an edge.

kids martial arts classes

The perfect balance for those who want to learn some practical Defense skills while focusing on Getting LEAN.

Self Defense Classes