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Training MMA Classes is Exciting. You learn all aspects the Sport and the workout is Fast Paced.

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When you take a Kickboxing Class from one of our Instructors you will be hooked

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In Sport or Self Defense, Jiu Jitsu Classes will give you great confidence and physical stamina.


Kids love Martial Arts Classes! when taught right they learn important life skills that will give them an edge.

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The perfect balance for those who want to learn some practical Defense skills while focusing on Getting LEAN.

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Good MMA workouts for Men over 35, Smart Simple approach using MMA

Good MMA workouts for Men over 35, Smart Simple approach using MMA

As you approach your 50’s, you need to view things differently. Your ability to recover from workout to workout is now critical. But with the right game plan, you can still keep competitive like a 70’s souped up muscle car – It may be vintage but still ready to race!

Focus Skills

Stay on top of your game with this A.C.T formula:

1. Action Plan.

Being older means we have to be smarter. You must take advantage of your perspective on things. Which is one thing the young athlete does not have. Be sure to create a action plan that focus on maintaining strength, keeping your weight down, agility and flexibility. Being more disciplined and focused to stay on track with your action plan is an advantage of being a wise veteran combat athlete.

2. Continious Movement

It’s very beneficial to keep active with cross training many difffernet aspets to help you be well rounded. Strength training should be balanced with Recovery training. For example if you do one hour of strength training you want to do 1 hour of yoga. This will keep your body well balanced and injury free. As a older Combat Athlete you must stay active with a balanced combination of Recovery training and Perferomance training.

3. Training the Brain

Staying mentally sharp to hold onto your skills. Adults who did moderate cardio 4 days a week had more blood flow in the area of their brain where memories are formed, according to a Columbia University study. This increased blood flow can signal the growth of new brain cells. And another study found people who did regular strength training say a 13% jump in their performance on memory test. This another area where your experience is an advantage. When doing performance & skill training do everything accurately. This will make you more effective in everything you do and your training will produce better results. Oftentimes, a younger combat athlete trains very sloppily. Because time is on their side, they may be able to afford to have slower results. But not you, we want to get maximum result for the time we put in. So stay enganged 100% during training for max results.

3. Timing (Alternative)

Timing is everything and becomes ultra important as you approach your 50’s. You must learn to time your workouts to allow your body to recover sufficiently between workouts. Nutrient timing is one of the most important aspects to aid recovery. Timing technique will also give you the edge as timing is scalable as you get older, where many other attributes are not. Focus on timing and you will appear more athletic.

Don’t Worry About Much

1. Long Winded Cardio

High intensity aerobic intervals like 2-4 minute sparring session, improve circulation better than the steady state exercise (running at the same hum-drum pace), found a study in Journal of American College of Cardiology.

2. Aging and Getting Slower

You can still be a fast a 67 mustang! There are multiple facets of speed. Such as Perceptual Speed ( Quickness of eye to see openings), Mental Speed ( Quickness of mind to select the right move), Initiation Speed (Economy of Movement) Performance speed (the actual speed of movement performed) and Alteration Speed (The ability to change direction midstream). As Performance speed decreases you have 5 other components to work on that do not require you to get physically faster. Also,Cells of fighters will higher omega 3 levels age slower, found research from the University of California. This is thanks to the high anti-inflammatory properties that this fatty acid offers. You can also take a chondrotin and glucosamine supplement improve the quality and quantity of joint’s protective synovial fluid, found a study in The Lancet.


Your testosterone, the muscle building, anger and energy-yielding hormone, really starts to plummet. This can make you feel depressed, irritable, disrupt sleep and reduce muscle and bones mass, found research in American Journal of Psychiatry. Lots to look forward to, eh? To combat this, you need to keep your fat intake high, found a study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine. Also, make sure to get plenty of high quality protein and bcaa’s before, during and after workouts combined with malodextrin. Limit sugar intake throughout the day. And stick to the weight training at least twice a week, which can boost your T count up by to 49% found research.

The Wise Veteran Workout

The Wise veteran needs to get maximum results in short workouts. The workout below is called “The Champion” and you’ll spend 15 seconds on station A then rest for 15 seconds and then Station B for 15 seconds. Repeat for 3 minutes then onto the next round. Make sure to warm up for 5-7 minutes before and 10 min of flexibility training after.

Round 1

A. Bent Over Rows

Using a dumbbells, take a stance and bend over at the waist so that your upper body is about a 45 degree angle and grab the dumbbells palms facing you. Begin the movement by drawing your elbows back along your body and turn your palms toward you. Finish the movment by reversing the lift and lower to original position.

B. Water Ball Get Ups

Using a Swiss ball filled 40% with water. Lay down and place it on your chest. Start the movement by sitting up and while holding the water ball on your chest stand up and lay down to start over.

Round 2

A. Med Ball Slam

Start this movement with a bounce-able med ball overhead. With great force using your whole body slam the ball to the ground letting go at about your chest. Grab the ball again and return to the starting position for next rep.

B. Kettle Bell Swing

Hold a kettle bell with both hands and let it hang in front of your body. Squat down feet pointed slightly out. now contracting your glutes and hips pop the kettle bell forward so that it goes out in front of your body and return back to squatted position.

Round 3

A. Victory Sprawl

Start in your stance. Drop down into a spawl.Rroll over onto your back putting your hand on your head – get up to your feet without using your hands and start over.

B. Twister

Start in a by sitting down. Post your arms behind you and lift your rear off the ground (Crab position). Now take one your feet and the opposite hand and lift it off the ground. balancing on the opposite foot and hand that is on the ground put your foot where your hand was and your hand where your foot was and repeat with the other hand and foot. Do this rapidly and never let you rear touch the ground.

Click a Martial Arts Program Below for more details.

Training MMA Classes is Exciting. You learn all aspects the Sport and the workout is Fast Paced.

mixed martial arts

When you take a Kickboxing Class from one of our Instructors you will be hooked

muay thai kickboxing

In Sport or Self Defense, Jiu Jitsu Classes will give you great confidence and physical stamina.


Kids love Martial Arts Classes! when taught right they learn important life skills that will give them an edge.

kids martial arts classes

The perfect balance for those who want to learn some practical Defense skills while focusing on Getting LEAN.

Self Defense Classes